Carpathian school as a tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goals-2030 in mountain regions of Eastern Europe countries
Newly established project entitled “Strengthening BSR Universities Network on Landscape Sustainability and Waste Management” (LASUWAMA) supported by The Swedish Institute, has been launched in September 2018 in Kutaisi, Georgia. It aimed at strengthening the networking abilities of nine participating universities in research on landscape sustainability, waste management and transferring of modern landscape remedial technologies to vulnerable mountain regions of West-NIS Countries. There are six educational entities from Baltic Sea Region (BSR) representing Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Germany plus three Eastern European universities from Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia. The overall goal of cooperating universities is working towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 2015 – 2030. The universities are involved in generating educational curricula and delivering practical skills on their best experience in waste management and mountains’ landscape safeguarding.
Special emphasis will be focused on Quadruple Helix Cooperation that considering universities as a driving force of sustainable society and dissemination of information concerning the quality of landscapes and human needs in environmental services. The project encasing social activities of Master and PhD students involved in schooling together with local authorities and business entities.
Copyright (c) 2018 Valeriy Mykhaylenko, Gintaras Denafas, Mait Kriipsalu, Tsitsino Turkadze, Inga Grinfelde, Mika Horttanainen, Laura Ferrans, Hambardzum Khachatryan, Mykola Blyznyuk, William Hogland

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