Irrigation based leachate treatment
In southern Sweden, several irrigation based on site treatment has been established the last
years. Briefly they consist of a pound to storing leachate water with pre-treatment and a
system what irrigate vegetation. It could be areas of willow plantations designated for energy purposes or grass or as in same cases spontaneous vegetation.
The use of willow have been studied since 1992. These tests have clearly shown that recycling of municipal wastewater in Salix plantations, can replace a large part of the conventional wastewater treatment, due to natural purification processes in the soil/plant system.
During the last few years, several full-scale treatment plants based on the soil/plant system
have been set up to treat leachate water from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills.
One other way to reduce leachate water is to use transpiration. On dry days leachate is
pumping and irrigated ideal on top of landfills inside the leachate collection system.
Rosenqvist Mek.Verkstad has developed the irrigation system "RWIS" for distribution of
waste and leachate water into the plantation. The irrigation system has to be able to withstand trying conditions, without major maintenance in between harvests.
Aronsson, P. & Perttu, K (Eds.). 1994. Willow vegetation filters for municipal wastewaters and sludges -A biological purification system. Proceedings of a study tour , conference and workshop in Sweden, 5-10 June 1994. Swed. Univ. Agric. Sci., Dept. Short Rotation Forestry, Uppsala. Rep. 50,230 pp.
Aronsson, P. & Perttu, K. 1994. A complete system for wastewater treatment using vegetation filters. In: Aronsson, P. & Perttu, K (Eds.). Willow vegetation filters for municipal wastewaters and sludges -A biological purification system. Proceedings of a study tour , conference and workshop in Sweden, 5-10 June 1994, pp. 211-213.
Bergkvist P. &, Slam i energiskog (Sludge in energy forest), Agricultural University of Sweden, Fakta-Mark/växt, no. 5, 1995
Perttu, K. & Koppel, A. (Eds.). 1996. Short rotation willow coppice for renewable energy and improved environment. Proceedings of a joint Swedish-Estonian seminar on on Energy forestry and vegetation filters held in Tartu 24-26 September 1995. Swed. Univ. Agric. Sci., Dept. Short Rotation Forestry; Uppsala. Rep. 57, 172 pp.
Perttu K.L., 1994, Vegetationsfilter av salix renar vatten and mark (Salix vegetation filters clean up water and soil). Agricultural University of Sweden, Skogsfakta no. 9, 1994.
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Stenstrom, T A. 1996. Sjukdomsframkallande mikroorganismer i avloppssystem. Riskvärdering av traditionella och alternativa avloppslösningar. SNV Rapport 4683.
Copyright (c) 2001 Dahn Rosenqvist
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.