Nonlinear deterministic modelling of ecological scenarios - typical predictions and limitations


  • Torsten Lindström Linnéuniversitete
  • Michael Lindberg Linnéuniversitetet
  • Diauddin Nammari Linnéuniversitetet
  • Willem Stolte Linnéuniversitetet



Deterministic modelling, intra- and interspecific competition, predatorprey model, Gause system.


Modelling population and commwiity dynamics has evolved a lot after the early attempts
by Malthus (1798), Darwin ( 1878), Lotka ( 1925), and Volterra ( 1926). The power of
nonlinear simple deterministic models is usually that they show right directions and
Volterra's principle still remain a remarkable example of that Another benefit is that
many properties of the models can be made visible in a geometric way to scientists with
little or limited backgrowid in mathematics.
Today more is known about species response to competition, nutrient limitation,
predation and what environments support longer food-chains. In this paper we show how
typical communities like competing species, predator-prey systems, and food-chains
reply to changes in the environmental parameters.


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