Constructed wetland systems in the UK - the CWA database resource
Constructed Wetlands; Reed Beds; database; design; models; performance data; case studies; sewage treatment; tertiary treatment; wastewater treatmentAbstract
There are now believed to be more than 1,200 Constructed Wetland systems (CWs) in the
UK. The Constructed Wetland Association (CWA) was formed in 1999 by a group of
experienced, reputable designers and constructors to bring together best UK practice. CWA is
now responsible for a database of design and performance relating to a range of systems (bed
types and applications), which now contains information from more than 1,000 beds. CWA
members are encouraged to contribute data to the database, which has been updated 9 times
since it was first created in 1999. Most of these sites treat sewage/domestic wastewater but the
database also includes examples of systems for the treatment of minewater, sludge, landfill
leachate, industrial effluents, surface runoff and road runoff. Particular treatment applications
are illustrated by Case Studies, summary articles describing design, construction and
performance, For beds with data on influent and effluent concentrations and flow rates, the
user can fit four alternative models, to derive reaction rate constants (K), enabling some
degree of quantitative comparison of the pollutant reduction performance for different system
designs. Access to the database is the main benefit of CWA membership: new members from
outside UK are welcome (
Brix, H., 1999. How 'green' are aquaculture, constructed wetlands and conventional wastewater treatment systems? Water Science & Technology. 40(3), 45-50.
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CWA, 2006. Constructed Wetland Interactive Database Version 1 0.0 I, June 2007, available from Constructed Wetland Association UK (with membership)
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Kickuth, R., 1981. Abwasserreinigung in Mosaikmatrizen aus anaeroben und aeroben Teilbezierken. Grundlangen der Abwasserreiningung. GWF Schriftreihe Wasser-Abwasser, 19, Oldenburg Verlag, Oldenburg.
Kowalik, PJ., Mierzejewski, M., Randerson P.F., Williams H.G., 2004. Performance of Subsurface Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Receiving Municipal Wastewater. Archives of Hydro-Engineering & Environmental Mechanics, 51 ( 4 ), 349-370.
Nutall, P.M., Boon, A.G., Rowell, M.R., 1998. Review of the Design and Management of Constructed Wetlands. CIRIA PubL London UK. 62-67.
Verhoeven, JTA., Meuleman, A.F.M., 1999. Wetlands for wastewater treatment: opportunities and limitations. Ecol. Eng. 12, 5-12.
Vymazal, J., Brix, H., Cooper, P.F., Green, M.B., Haber, R., 1998. Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in Europe. Backhuys Pub!., Leiden, The Netherlands. pp366,
Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Randerson, Paul Cooper

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