Flash co-pyrolysis of biomass with biopolymers: a preliminary evaluation
Flash co-pyrolysis; Willow; Biopolymer; Pyrolytic water; Bio-oil; Upgrading; Waste; Synergy; Analytic hierarchy process.Abstract
The influence of biopolymers on the pyrolysis yields is investigated using a semi-continuous
home-built pyrolysis reactor. All biopolymers show their specific benefits during the overall
co-pyrolysis process. In a first attempt, each pyrolysis (pure willow and all I: I w/w ratio
willow/biopolymer blends) is evaluated based on nine objectives. Afterwards, Thomas
Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process is used in order to obtain an objective ranking of the
different biopolymer options. The flash co-pyrolysis of I: I willow/PHB
(Polyhydroxybutyrate) is the most performant option, while I: I willow/PLA (Polylactic acid),
I:I willow/Biopearls and I: I willow/Potato starch show increased potential as well. The fact
that biopolymers, despite their biodegradability, are considered as waste makes the flash copyrolysis of willow and biopolymers an additional necessity.
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Copyright (c) 2007 T. Cornelissen, M. Jans, J. Yperman, G. Reggers, S. Schreurs, T. Thewys, R. Carleer

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