Emissions from landfill fires and fires in storage of waste
Emissions; Fire; Landfill; Storage; Experiment; Gas analysis; PAH; PCDD/PCDF; Runoff water.Abstract
Recent restrictions regarding landfills and handling of waste, have led to a new storage
situation for a number of different types of storages of waste, ranging from existing landfills
to temporary storages. This also means that new fire risks have evolved. The fires mean
several different problems: economic losses, stop in operation (which in addition to economic
effects can affect other parties), risk for fire spread to other premises, etc. Other important
issues are health and environmental effects of waste fires.
In this paper, a number of fires and fire tests involving different types of stored waste are
presented and discussed. Measured or estimated yields of emissions are presented and
compared. A series of fire tests involving electrical and electronics waste (EE waste) and used
tyres, performed in varied configurations, is described in more detail with example of results
from gas analysis and analysis of runoff water. Clearly, as restrictions on emissions from
controlled combustion are regulated and reduced, emissions from fires will become
increasingly important from an environmental point of view.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Anders Lönnermark

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