Urban runoff: its significance, chemical characteristics, and possible chemical treatment
Urban runoff; Chemical characterization; Trace metals; Urban environment.Abstract
Most of the countries around the world including Singapore are becoming water scarce,
Limited fresh water resources and growing demand of water in urban areas have intensified
the search for non-conventional water resources, For countries like Singapore, which receives
copious rainfall, the use of stormwater (rainfall which runs off urban areas such as roofs,
roads, and vegetated surfaces) has the potential to enhance urban water supply, However,
using urban landscape as catchments has its inherent challenges, Human activities introduce
chemical and biological contaminants of different types into the urban runoff, affecting its
quality significantly. Environmentally-friendly as well as cost-effective treatment
technologies are needed to treat urban runoff at points of collection so that the treated
storn1water can be used for a range of practical applications,
In order to identify the most appropriate treatment technology, it is necessary to have detailed
information on the physical and chemical characteristics of urban runoff collected at a
network of urban sites, As these characteristics of urban runoff largely depend on land use
patterns, stormwater samples have been collected in this study from various land use sectors
using automated samplers and subsequently processed in the laboratory to establish their
chemical characteristics mainly in terms of trace metals, and organic compounds. Results
obtained from the chemical characterization work are presented followed by the discussion on
the potential of enhancing urban runoff quality through chemical treatment with a strong
oxidant having multiple functions including coagulation, flocculation, and disinfection.
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