Factors influencing efficiency of UV/H2o2 advanced oxidation process
Reactive dyes; textile reactive dyeing wastewater; advanced oxidation processes; decolourisation; inhibition; pH importance.Abstract
In recent years the textile industry is characterized as qualitative fabric industry. Raw
materials and process auxiliaries (as dyes and other chemicals) are used of very good quality.
Dyes are developed to be very stable and resistant to physical and biological breakdown.
Therefore they are hard degradable in natural conditions. Removal of dye residual from the
wastewater requires also qualitative treatment solutions.
As conventional wastewater treatment methods are unable to decompose hard degradable
pollutants to the final breakdown products at the textile industry wastewater treatment unit,
therefore there is a demand for more advanced treatment. Considerable attention is paid to the
advanced oxidation methods.
In this paper the research results of textile reactive dyeing a11ificial wastewater treatment with
advanced oxidation method under ultraviolet light (UV) in presence of hydrogen peroxide
(H202) are described. Investigated relationships are such as pH, reaction length and
wastewater composition influence to the UV/He202 advanced oxidation process efficiency.
From obtained results it can be concluded that UY/H202 advanced oxidation process is
inhibited by high pH level, dyeing assisting chemicals, salts and anticreasing agent. The
reaction rate constant with removed disturbances is obtained up to 0.4436 min ·
, textile
reactive dyeing artificial wastewater complete decolourisation is achieved within 4 to 15
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