Quality index in the environmental management system in urban solid waste landfills - IQS
Urban Solid Waste, Sanitary Landfill, Environmental Management, ISO 14000Abstract
The article consists of the application of a new rating methodology for final disposal of urban
solid waste (USW) by evaluating the conformity of geotechnical and environmental aspects
during the implementation and operating processes. The IQS was proposed when introducing
the concepts of Environmental Management, in accordance with ISO 14001, to the Landfill
Quality Index (IQA) [I], developed from the Waste Quality Index (IQA) proposed by [2]. The
study focused on the implementing and operating processes, as well as on the control of
impacts on the environment and on pollution prevention. Fifteen sites were assessed to
confirm the hypothesis. They were rated as inadequate, controlled, adequate and
environmental conditions, in accordance with indices obtained with intervals between zero
and ten points. It could, therefore, be concluded that in an inventory of rating USW disposal
landfills, the use of ISO 14000 as an analytical tool may be extremely helpful to enhance
assessment methods. Moreover, environmental management concepts contribute to reducing
environmental pollution and, consequently, the associated environmental impacts.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Claudio Fernando Mahler , Saulo Machado Loureiro

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.