Advanced ecotechnology in agribusiness: how to raise sales in Russia



  • Sergey V. Rud Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Kirill Kotomenkov Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Olga G. Kotomenkova Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Ivan Rud School № 71, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Ecology, Advanced technology, Plant


The development of agriculture in Russia is the task of the national level. Agricultural business 2020 to fully provide internal market with domestic products. And to feed not only themselves, but also become the world's largest supplier of environmentally friendly and quality food. Waste – the remnants of raw materials, prefabricated steel the cuts and other products formed during or at the completion of the production process, not used in direct connection with this activity and have lost their consumer properties.

Trade eco equipment for processing of waste of agricultural production and farming activities can be considered as new business.

In order to understand why this business can be promising in Russia analyze the situation and lay out all for small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs on the shelves. The definition of eco goods we often understand foods, household chemicals and all, the list of environmentally friendly products does not end there because there are plenty of other groups of goods which can be environmentally friendly. There is the problem of promoting growth in the use of mechanisms and technologies for waste processing in agriculture. However, this approach will require serious educational projects and the creation of showrooms and trade missions operate directly in the centres of concentration of agribusiness.

However, the ecological business is not only a waste, and the creation eco net production and suppression of various pathologies plants. This business can be very popular. This business can develop small businesses in rural areas. This business meet to attract young people. This business can bring in new fresh information technology thanks to the arrival of young people. Russia is also very important to attract to the small agribusiness educational courses for managers. This will show the importance of environmental issues in the agricultural business, choose technologies and equipment for solving such problems. It is an environment that will help to create absolutely new to the Russian marketplace with the participation of young scientists, students and teachers in Alliance with the real business.

We want to express our gratitude to the teacher of chemistry Marina Alexandrovna Smirnova ( middle school № 71, Saint-Petersburg) for the formation of interest in research and environmental safety.


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Solid waste management