The Impact of Efficient Management Mechanism of the Energy Supply on Environment



  • Vadim Chekalin St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics



Energy sector, centralized heat supply sphere, organizational and economic principles, ecological and economical efficiency, impact on environment


An economic growth of the country strongly depends on the terms and level of development of key economic sectors, including energy supply. The centralized heat supply plays considerable role at energy sector of Russian economics. Privatization and economic liberalization in the Russian Federation have generated relations between the economic subjects which differ a lot from Soviet Union system. However, the centralized heat supply system means of heat tariffs formation were inherited from Soviet Union and they still apply practically without changes.

It is necessary to pay attention also to an ecological component of this problem. Nowadays, if we want to preserve environment for the future and eliminate negative consequences, we should spend much more financial and technological resources. The result of negative impact of applying out-of-date energy technologies characterized by low efficiency can be enhancement of environmental contamination: water, air, soil.

Working out of theoretical, practical and organizational and economic principles for formation of the state tools management in a centralized heat supply sphere, enhancement of efficiency at the present stage must be the subjects of research works. The complex solution of problems of the market organizational and economic management mechanism is complicated because of lack of methodological, methodical information for authority at all hierarchical levels. Therefore working out in this very important sector should become one of
priority tasks.


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