Diverting toilet systems - quality of collected urine mixture compared to other organic fertilizers



  • Arne Backlund Linnéuniversitetet
  • Annette Holtze Linnéuniversitetet




Storstrnm County and A & B Backlund ApS are cooperating in four wastewater projects
running since 1998 concerning source control, diverting toilet technology and analysis of
collected human urine mixture and composted human faeces. Results from one of the projects
are presented in this paper. A & B Backlund ApS is working with further four national and
international projects and are planning for further projects. The projects are carried out in an
Action Plan administrated by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Danish
EPA is not responsibel for the conclusions or expressed views in the reports.
The collected user experiences in the Danish projects show that the diverting technology are
accepted in a housing area, is running very well in a public place and are even highly
appreciated in allotment gardens (even if further technical improvement should be made).
This paper presents contents of nutrients, heavy metals, organic compounds and
microorganisms found in urine mixture compared to findings in organic fertilizers used in
danish agriculture. The analysed urine mixture was of high quality.
No-mixing toilets, diverting toilets, separation toilets, composting toilets, biological toilets,
waterless urinals, wastewater treatment, ecological engineering, ecological sanitation, human
urine, human faeces, nutrients, heavy metals, pathogens, compost, sludge, manure,
anaerobicly processed biomass


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