Education and research capacity building in environmental science and engineering: water studies institute of Birzeit university a case



  • Rashed Al-Sa'ed Birzeit University, Palestine


The management and protection of the scarce water and environmental resources in Palestine
require appropriate education and research capacity building. How to develop and sustain
capacity building in environmental education and research to protect the environment under the
current economical, administrative and political constraints, is a real challenge. This paper
presents the various capacity building activities of the Water Studies Institute (WSI) at Birzeit
University (BZU) during the last ten years and highlights the gained experience in education and
scientific research capacity in water and environmental management. An attempt was made to
establish why this capacity is weak in some fields, how it can be strengthened and which water
and environmental resource areas need to be focused on. The major constraints faced, and future
plans to sustain the activities of the WSI are also introduced and discussed. Analysis and critical
evaluation of the past and ongoing educational programs and research projects revealed the
important role of WSI as an educational and research institute in promoting sustainable water and
environmental structures in Palestine. Finally the problems solving approach adopted to
overcome the constraints faced can be utilized by local, regional and international water and
environmental institutions to sustain and enhance their activities.




