Leachate treatment in natural systems: experience feedback after several years of operation at Moskogens landfill, Kalmar


  • Joachim Lantz Vatten och Samhällsteknik AB, Sweden


At Moskogen Landfill outside Kalmar the leachate water has since 2010 been treated in a local nature-based system. The systems consist of a numerous of different steps. After the treatment the leachate water is led of to small local recipient. The activity is regulated by limit values for ten different parameters. 

After eight years of being operational there now is a good amount of data available concerning the function of the system. The set up of the system will be presented and the function of the different steps will be presented related to the parameters with limit values.

The treatment system essentially consists of big ponds with aeriation for seasonal storage, a drained surface planted with salix, and a wetland system. The primary aim is to reduce the content of nitrogen in the water. Organic substances and heavy metals also reduce throw the system.


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Industrial wastewater