Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN): Developing the capacity for innovation for the region's underground laboratories


  • Marcus Laaksoharju Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management


Underground Laboratories, Baltic Sea region, Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN)


Six underground laboratories around the Baltic Sea have establish a new 3,3 milj. € EU INTERREG, Baltic Sea Region cooperation project called BSUIN (Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network). The project is lead from the Oulu University in Finland. The following underground laboratories participate:

  • Callio Lab, Pyhäsalmi mine, Finland
  • Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden
  • Research and education mine Reiche Zeche, Freiberg, Germany
  • Ruskeala marble quarry and geopark, Karelia, Russia
  • Underground Laboratory of Khlopin Institute, St Petersburg, Russia
  • Conceptual Lab Development Cuprum, Poland

 The aim of the project is to make the underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea region more accessible for innovation, business development and science by improving information, operation, user experiences and safety. The project is operated for a period of three years.

 The project and network will especially focus on widening the use of the laboratories for companies and institutions and improving the innovation handling i.e. from idea to market. The method for this is to gather and map detailed information from the local businesses, owners and users. The outcome will be used to improve e.g. the accessibility, information, user experiences, cooperation possibilities, business development possibilities and innovation support functions such as prototype realisation, testing, demonstration, financial support and market analysis. The information, network and support systems will be of great value for th


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