Development of microbiological culture medium based on protein hydrolysate obtained through electrochemical method from protein waste
protein-containing waste, electrochemical technology, protein hydrolysate, microbiological culture mediaAbstract
The preparation protein products is the impotent direction of reprocessing invaluable fish and other hydrocoles and their waste. Waste-free utilization of these resources assumes the complete recovery of meat used for the food purposes, obtaining the protein hydrolysates from the protein-containing waste and using the insoluble residue for manufacture of fodder flour. Protein hydrolysates are highly nutritious products. Properties of protein hydrolysates depend on initial raw material and methods of their obtaining. Protein hydrolysates have the greatest distribution for manufacture of broth concentrates, sauces and on the fodder purposes. But volume of consumption in the listed areas is rather limited. Using hydrocoles waste hydrolysates as bases of microbiological culture media for production and diagnosing of microorganisms in microbiological industry, medicine, veterinary science is the most advanced /5/.
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