New concepts in urban water management
Present water management must change in order to alleviate water- related environmental and health problems of growing population in the world. The target is to use novel technologies capable to recycle nutrients present in wastewater and organic part of solid waste to agricultural production. Key technologies that should be developed are: bioconversion methods, dry sanitation, separation sanitation, other locally adapted wast water treatment and recycling methods such as aquaculture systems, wastewater irrigation. New goals of sustainable development put new targets to be addressed in research and development activities conducted both on scientific and professional levels.
Gajdos, R. (1995): "Composting in static bioreactors in laboratory. I.Effects of Insulation on Temperature and PH". In: Recovery ,,Recycling, Re-integration", Vol.IV, published by EMPA, Dubendorf, Switzerland. Editors Anis Barrage & Xaver Edelmann, pp. IV, 209-214.
Grau, P.(1994): "What next?". Water Quality International No.4, 1994, pp. 29-32.
WHO (1996a): World Health Organization: "Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Monitoring" Report 1996: "Sector Status as of 31 December 1994". WHO/EOS/96.15. Geneva, Switzerland.
WHO (1996b): "The Problem of Sanitation", Report of WHO Collaborative Council Working Group on Promotion of sanitation. Fifth Draft, Geneva, December 1996.
Winblad (1996): "Towards Ecological Approach to Sanitation". Proceedings of International Toilet Symp., Toyama, October 9, pp 5-6.