Anaerobic treatment of sludge, industrial waste water and industrial waste from food industry



  • Björn Rosén Linnéuniversitetet
  • Håkan Eriksson Linnéuniversitetet



The use of biological anaerobic treatment for sludge digestion in treatment plants has a Jong operational record. The result is a lower amount of stabilised sludge and a considerable energy output, as heat and possibly also electrical energy. In industrial waste water treatment, anaerobic processes have also been used quite a Jong period, especially in food and pulp and paper industries. The anaerobic treatment of organic waste from industries or municipal waste, is a more recent application. The paper presents a summary of used anaerobic technology, with a special case from the Kalmar waste water treatment plant, where the two existing sludge digesters are upgraded to termophilic anaerobic treatment, one unit t be used for sludge and the other, separately, for organic waste from food industry and manure from farms.


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