Research on leachate water
Data on leachate water of Kohtla-Jarve semicoke heaps, containing high concentrations of phenolic compounds, are presented and technologies for it treatment are reported. The parameters of biodegradability of runoff water are compared to the other wastewater' s of that area.
K.Hellat, A.Mashirin, P.Nigu, K.Orup6ld, T.Tenno, Biodegradability Studies of Kohtla-Jarve Wastewaters by Activated Sludge Respiration, Oil Shale, Vol.14., No 4 Special, pp.509 -517.
ISO 8192 (1986) Water quality -Test for inhibition of oxygen consumption by activated sludge.
National Environmental Protection Board (1990) Report 3755: Method for toxicity test with the floating plant, Lemna minor, Duckweed.
K.Orupõld, K.Hellat, Ecotoxicology of Some Industrial Effluents from North East of Estonia, SECOTOX 97, Abstracts, 1997, pp.183-184.
K.Orupõld, A.Ohlsson, T.Henrysson, Batch Trials to Simulate Biological Treatment in Lagoons of Leachate from Oil-Shale Ash Heaps, Oil Shale, Vol.14., No 4 Special, pp.476-487.