Background for phytotechnologies applied at multimetal contaminated sites in Ukraine
Contaminated soils, floodplain, spoil bank, landfill, leachate, sewage sludge, dredged sediments, metal up-taking, hyper-accumulator, willow, phytotechnology,Abstract
Ukraine is a country with a great diversity of natural conditions, developed agriculture
and industrial sectors such as mining, metallurgy, machinery and chemical branches, The
use of outdated technologies has resulted in landscape degradation and environment
contamination. Sites with the dangerous level of contamination located at rivers'
floodplain in industrial centers, near the spoil banks, especially burning, landfills,
grounds for sludge and dredged sediment damping. Leachate from municipal \WSte damp
is a source of environment pollution. For multi-metal contaminated sites, the treatment
with phytotechnologies is proposed as a low cost and environmentally friendly
alternative. Willows are discussed as local plants for phytostabilization. Plants - hyperaccumulators could be found in Ukraine too and are used in the application of
phytotechnologies. Experimental work has to be done before the technique could be
applied in situ.
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