Laboratory tests of Estonian landfill leachate
During the last decade, many laboratory, pilot and full-scale experiments have been
conducted to investigate the optimal low-tech purification methods for the treatment of
numerous types of wastewaters. Constructed wetland is a low-tech treatment system, which
usually contains multiple treatment possibilities. Frequently, some kind of soil treatment
system is included as one treatment stage. Engineered wetland systems for purification of
wastewater and leachate are not yet widely spread in Estonia. The possibility to use peat as
filter media for treatment of leachate from Aardlapalu landfill (Tartu County, Estonia) has
been studied. The leachate was transported into the laboratory, aerated and percolated through
two different types of peat filters. The concentration of nitrogen compounds, COD and BOD
was measured in the leachate before and after treatment. Hydrological consequences and
chemical changes in the peat were investigated.
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