Studies on biodegradation of organic waste in uasb reactor
UASB, Biodegradation, Wastewater treatmentAbstract
The industrialization in the developing countries causes severe problems in collection,
treatment and disposal of organic effluents. The situation leads to public health and
environmental problem. Therefore, various high rate anaerobic treatments has been
emerged as a variable alternative for the treatment of many industrial and domestic
wastewater containing organic wastes. In this study high rate Upflow Anaerobic Sludge
Blanket (UASB) reactor has been critically analyzed, discussed and designed as the
solution of above problem. According to that a UASB reactor has been fabricated for
laboratory study. The UASB system appeared to be economically cost effective as
compared to other systems. This paper also focuses on the principle of startup,
operational performance, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency, methane
production rate, and specific methanogenic activity in the UASB reactor. In the present
study, reactor was started initially with mixture of molasses and glucose (50% each)
solution with organic loading rate (OLR) 0.933 g COD/L day. Thereafter, OLR is being
increased in steps. After 15 days of startup of reactor, molasses solution was applied. The
temperature (35e° C), pH (6.8±0.4), and nutrients requirement were maintained. In this
study COD: N: P ratio were maintained at 300: IO: l by adding urea for nitrogen and
potassium di-hydrogen phosphate for phosphorus. For a change of OLR up to 13.33g
COD/L day, all above-mentioned parameter were studied. The removal efficiency and
gas production rate depend on activity of granules. A typical organic degrading granule is
composed of micro-colonies of Methanothrix and several syntropic micro -colonies.
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