Source identification and mitigation of industrial pollution


  • Eva Eriksson Technical University ofDenmark, Denmark
  • Katarina Hansson Environment and social structure, Eslöv municipale Sweden
  • Anna Ledin Technical University ofDenmark, Denmark; Linköping University, Sweden



Diffuse pollution; Hazard identification; Source control; Source screening


Diffuse pol lution comprises of pollution arising from a variety of dispersed, often minor,
point sources. The aim of this study was to identify which hazardous substances that are
discharged to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Eslov municipal ity from industries
and businesses. Based on these findings control actions was suggested in order to improve the
qual ity of the sludge produced in the WWTP. Here, 43 industries and businesses connected to
the municipal sewer system in Eslov municipal ity reported commodities and activitiesa:
industrial process and maintenance products, cleaning detergents and other chemicals
discharged to the sewer system, including composition of individual substances. Over 900
commodities and 2300 substances were recorded. Of these were 92 substances frequently
used (present in c".5 commodities). Most prominently was iso-propanol which was found in 61
commodities. A hazard identification and ranking of 346 substances showed that 9% of the
substances pose a potential hazard in the sludge. Seven of the most frequently used substances
consisted of petroleum based hydrocarbons. Most of the industries and businesses referred to
having an oi l separator instal led on the premises. However. recent studies have shown that
effluents from oil separators in many cases have a hydrocarbon oil index >50 mg/L, which
indicates that the efficiency should be questioned. Among the pesticides and preservatives
identified were isothiazolines, Bronopol and several parabens. The isothiazolines and
Bronopol originated from industrial applications, whereas the parabens derived from the
personal care products used for staff wellbeing. Noteworthy is that both the isothiazol ines and
Bronopol were present in different brands of car shampoo. Generally, this study was
hampered by incomplete data provided by the industries and businesses as well as the lack of
inherent data, primarily biodegradation. used in the hazard identification and ranking of the
organic substances.


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