Sustainable practices that allow the recycling of solid waste and wastewater in urban marketgardening


  • Ma. Neftali Rojas-Valencia National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Ma. Teresa Orta de Velasquez National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Viktor Franco National Autonomous University of Mexico



Sustainable practices; Recycling solid, waste and wastewater,


Mexico City generates almost 11,900 tons of solid waste per day; 50% of the waste is organic
and 34% recyclable, As a consequence of the large amount of waste produced, the scarcity of
potable water, the increase in wastewater generation, and the need in cities to satisfy the
growing demand for healthy nutritious food, it has become essential to devise alternative
methods that will contribute to satisfying one of the most basic of human needs: the need for
food, This study proposes a safe method for the disinfection of wastewater destined for reuse
in urban agriculture. It also discusses the year-round production of fresh vegetables in
confined urban spaces, using sustainable practices that involve the recycling of waste whilst at
the same time saving water.
To address the aforementioned problems, this study aimed to detennine the efficiency of
applying organoponic techniques to urban crops, using selected organic compounds and
recyclable solid waste products, plus home-made organic fertilizers and treated wastewater,
Three different methods of wastewater disinfection were tested: Ozone, APT, and a
combination of both, The results obtained demonstrate that in addition to disinfecting the
wastewater, Ozone contributes with oxygen and nutrients to the soil, thereby reducing the
need for chemical fertilizers. Ozone also reduces the risk of infection by eliminating highly
pathogenic micro-organisms, and increases the rate of plant growth, Great benefits can
therefore be derived from employing these urban agriculture techniques because, in addition
to putting to good use waste products that are generated by the ton, these techniques also
produce quality food plants that are I 00% organic,


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