Trace elements accumulation in walnut growing on residential areas in Ukraine


  • Lidija Svirenko Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine
  • Nataliya Butenko Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine
  • Olga Khandogina Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine



Walnut, trace element concentration, urban environment, motorway, railroad, environmental monitiring, leaf, nutshell, kernel.


The Walnut (Jugland regia L,) is wide spread on the territory of Ukraine, This big fine tree is
grown both in orchards, park, in roadside green belts, It is popular for high nutritive value of
their nuts, bactericidal properties of leaves, volatile production. Pilot investigation has been
held to reveal trace elements accumulation in walnut depending on traits of environment in
urban and rural areas,
Leaves and nuts of walnut have been sampled in 2003-2004 September in different parts of
the country, Leaf, kernel and nutshell have been ashed and analysed (ESA) separately,
Main results of investigation are as follows: accumulation of phosphorus, copper, zinc and
lead in kernel estimated; probably nutshell serves as a barrier for strontium accumulation in
kernel; lead concentration is higher in kernel of walnut growing along motorway and may can
reach sanitary limit; zinc concentration inversely is higher on rural areas; arsenic has been
find in matter sampled near railway roads,
In future more detailed investigation of Walnut could make it possible to estimate the walnut
as an instrument for pollution monitoring and control.


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