Inclusion of the fibres reinforcement effect in the analysis of slope stability in msw landfill - application to bandeirantes landfill case



  • Andre Vinicius Azevedo Borgatto Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Claudio Fernando Mahler Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Municipal Solid Waste (MSW); Stability Analysis; Sanitary Landfill.


In Germany, in the 1990 decade, new models of stability analysis in sanitary landfills had
been developed. These models were based in the study of reinforcement effect of the fibres
present in the composition of the MSW. This reinforcement comes from materials as plastics,
papers, cardboards, rubber, wood and textiles. The reinforcement in the MSW shear strength
can be denominated as fibrous cohesion or pseudo-cohesion. For the inclusion of this
reinforcement it is necessary to classify the waste according to its morphology. Percentage of
materials with dimension I + dimension 2 will indicate the values to be used. For this
classification the German technical recommendation GDA E 1-7 should be followed [I] .
According to this recommendation, in stability analyses of sanitary landfills, the model
considering the reinforcement effect of the fibres should be used. It intends to bring a better
understand of the factors that had lead into failures in the past in landfills (back-analysis). In
addition to that, this model can be used in designing of new landfills and studies to make
higher landfills areas in operation.
In this work, the failure occurred in the Bandeirantes landfill located in Sao Paulo city, Brazil,
was used as an application model. Besides that, Bandeirantes case was carried out as an
extension of the study developed by [2] using the Gennan model of stability analysis. For the
accomplishment of the back-analysis contained in this work, it was used a software developed
in Germany (GGU-Stability) which considers in its calculations the fibres reinforcement
effect through the inclusion of a new strength parameter - angle of internal tensile forces (s).
The results had shown that, in the time when the waste started to slide down, only the friction
component was responsible for the shear strength. Therefore, the cohesive activated
component was contributed by the fibres reinforcement, as a consequence of the landfill waste


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DGGT, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Geotechnik (1994): Empfehlungen der Arbeittskreises "Geotechnik der Deponien und Altlasten". GOA E I-7: ldentifizierung und Beschreibung von Abfallen (Entwurf), Bautechnik 7 1, Helf 9, Berlin: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, (in German)

MAHLER, CF,; BURIN, E, & OLIVEIRA, F.J.P (1998). Reflections on the Stability of a Municipal Sanitary Landfill

KOLSCH, F. ( 1993). The bearing Behaviour of Domestic Waste and Related Consequences for Stability. Proceedings Sardinia 93, Fourth International Landfill Symposium, S, Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy, 11- 15 october 1993, p.1393 - 1410.

KOLSCH, F. (1995). Material Values for some Mechanical Properties of Domestic Waste. Proceedings Sardinia 93, Fifth International Landfill Symposium. S. Marguerita di Paula, Cagliari, Italy.

BORGATTO, A.V.A (2006). Estudo do Efeito Fibra e da Morfologia na Estabilidade de Aterros de Residuos S6lidos Urbanos. Dissertaiio de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE, Programa de Engenharia Civil, Departamento de Geotecnica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 157p. (in Portuguese)

DGGT, Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Geotechnik (1994): Empfehlungen der Arbeittskreises "Geotechnik der Deponien und Altlasten". GDA E 2-35: Geotechnische Kennwerte fiir Siedlungsabfalle. Bautechnik 9/2000, Berlin: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn. (in German)

RELATORIO IPT, 29956 (1991). Levantamento e Analise das Causas do Escorregamento de Massa de Lixo no Aterro Bandeirantes - AS I, Perus, Sao Paulo. (in Portuguese)


