Microbial characterization of solid waste


  • Eftekhar Hossain Department of Environmental Science State University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh
  • Emran Chowdhury Department of Environmental Science State University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh




Segregation; Microbial characterization; Leachate; Nematode; Salmonella spp/Shigella spp.; Pseudomonas sp.


Segregation of solid waste at source is not a common practice in Bangladesh. Nonsegregation of solid waste creates threat to surrounding environment To identify the possible
threat, leachates were collected from different sources viz. household bin, Dhaka city
corporation (DCC) bin, hospital waste bin and dumping ground; and analyzed for microbial
characterization. High concentration of total coliform (9.0x I 04 -1.1 x I 08 CFU/100ml) and
fecal coliform (5.0xl04
-6.0xl07 CFU/I00mL) were obtained in all samples, Nematodes were
found in DCC bin (5200 No/L) and dumping ground (5600 No/L) samples. Protozoa and
Salmonella spp/Shigella spp. were not found in any sample. However, Pseudomonas spp was
present in the leachates of household bin, DCC bin and dumping ground.


Laddar statistik...


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