Oil spill waste treatment in the Kymenlaakso region after a ship accident


  • Mari Hupponen Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
  • Mika Hortanainen Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
  • MIka Luoranen Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland




Oil accident; Oil spill; Oil spill waste; Oily waste treatment.


The significance of the Gulf of Finland, which is part of the Baltic Sea, as an oil transport
route has increased rapidly in recent years. Approximately 140 million tons of oil was
transported through the Gulf of Finland in the year 2006. The amount of transport has doubled
in a few years. At the same time, the accident risk has increased. The narrowness and the
fragmented coastline make the Gulf of Finland extremely vulnerable in an oil spill situation.
There is as yet no comprehensive plan in Finland for how to treat oil spill waste after a largescale accident. The aim of this study was to find out treatment methods and capacities in the
Kymenlaakso region for the oily waste collected from the coastline after a large oil accident in
the Gulf of Finland.
This study presents the principles of the treatment methods of oil spill waste and the
limitations of the methods in handling the waste. The article also includes a background study
of the treatment of wastes collected from the coastline from previous major oil accidents.
The possibilities of different companies to treat oily waste in the Kymenlaakso region were
studied. Detailed information was collected by interviewing the companies' workers. 19 000 t
of crushable oily equipment and organic matter mixed with normal solid fuels can be burned
annually in the fluidized bed furnaces of regional power plants. I 200 t of homogenized oily
organic matter can be burned annually in the rotary kiln of a factory which produces expanded
clay (LECA). The region's burning capacity will increase when the municipal solid waste
incineration plant that was under construction during the study is ready and the oil spill waste
can be burned on its grate. Oily soil can be treated with composting, washing, soil vapour
extraction and stabilization with bitumen. Mobile treatment plants suitable for oily waste,
such as thennal desorption plants, can also be transported to the region.


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