Negative influence of agricultural waste products to the environment



  • Boris Jarinovskis Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Latgalian Research Institute of Stable development, Latvia



Agricultural waste; Environment; Pollution.


Research works have been made to determine the negative influence of agricultural waste
products from peasant fanns to the environment in eastern region of Latvia (Latgale). It is
ascertained that since Latvia has got independence, great amount of peasant farms have been
established which have got from 2 to IO ha of land in property in most cases where peasants
keep cattle, grow crops and vegetables for their needs. As a rule peasant has 1-2 catties, pigs,
hens, sometimes sheeps. There are also another farn1s with great amount of land and cattle but
not so many. Technology of waste recycling is used in such farms. State control of water
pollution is also conducted. Ground and underground waters are polluted in peasant farms.
The main reasons of pollution are: chemical (mineral fertilizers, pesticides, oil products);
bilogical (manure, liquid manure, dead bodies of animals and wastes ); domestic (glass and
plastic packages (capacities), polyethylene of greenhouses, used domestic electrical devices).
Mass burning of last year's grass in last years is a result of destruction of useful ground
microorganisms, flora and fauna. Lack of depositories for manure, inappropriate use of
manure and liquid manure causes too much nitrates in ground and pollution with helmits. The
main reasons of ecosystem's pollution are: individual peasants' low level of ecological
culture, incomplete legislation. There are a lot of both national and European legislative Acts
that regulate toxicants' influence to the environment but all of them need to be unified.
Almost all of the legislative Acts are accesible on the Internet, besides they are requiring
payment, but the Internet is not available for majority of peasants. Activities for reduction of
environmental pollution are offered in connection with such situation. Such activities are:
perfection of legislation, establishing system of agricultural waste products' gathering, sorting
and recycling, establishing depositories for manure and technologies for manure's using,
creation of "waste free" technology for cattle's slaughter, meat and dairy production's
processing, making the role of State services and public organisations in increasning
ecological competence of population more important, apportioning extra finances for
environmental protection in peasant farms.


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