System approach for problem solving applied to the storm water drainage


  • Mateusz Slupinski Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Janusz Jezowiecki Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland



Storm water evacuation system; Evolution of technical system; Evolution index.


The solutions in the storm water evacuation systems have developed in the past and are
developing into the future. It is desired to learn about their evolution from the point of view of
the evolution of technical systems. Knowledge about the system evolution can be used to
speed up the evolution and to propose the new solution advancing in the con-ect direction. In
order to start the analysis of the technological system evolution, it is necessary to describe the
problem identified with the system of storm water evacuation and then to define the
parameters which allow the positioning of the system on the evolution line. In this paper we
propose the fomrnlation of the problem in the form of contradiction. We also propose the
parameters which can be used as index of development in the stonn water evacuation
systems. Finally, we pose a question about the future development of the solutions in the
stom1 water evacuation systems. The intention of this paper is to make an introduction into
the research of the technical system evolution of the stom1 water evacuation system.


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