Subsurface irrigation of arborial areas as a mechanism for carbon sequestration through treated sanitary wastewater as a radicular nutrient source


  • Ricardo Camilo Galavoti Sao Carlos Engineering School, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
  • Alfredo Akira Ohnuma Jr. Sao Carlos Engineering School, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
  • Juliana Pontes M. de Andrade Sao Carlos Engineering School, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
  • Eduardo Mario Mendiondo Sao Carlos Engineering School, Sao Paulo University, Brazil



Reuse; Urban waters; Carbon sequestration.


Based on a research developed in the USA [I] for the subsurface irrigation ofredwood forests
(Sequoiadendrum Gigantea), this paper analyzes treated sanitary wastewater reuse as an
alternative for carbon sequestration and oxygen generation through root assimilation of
nutrients inside them, at rates that consider the transpiration, evapotranspiration and
subsurface infiltration processes in arboreal areas of urban lots. Through buried ecochambers,
the tree roots make contact with treated sanitary wastewater (stored in tanks in case its flow
exceeds the evapotranspiration capacity of the arboreal area), and pumped according to its
seasonal transpiration rate. This arboreal area will act as a nutrient pump to evapotranspirate
purified water and oxygen while sequestrating carbon dioxide from its roots, without
collecting, pumping, treatment and disposal of sanitary wastewater by the public systems,
acting as a "Smart Drainage System" which comprises a local sanitary wastewater treatment,
as well as the selective rainwater reservation at the urban lot, for multi-useful profits, such as:
garden irrigation, sanitary installations, floor and pavement washing, among others.


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