Water sensitive urban design and stormwater harvesting - on the path to sustainable urban development - case studies from Sydney, Australia


  • Olof J. Jonasson Environmental Engineer, Ku-ring-gai Council, NSW, Australia
  • Peter Davies Manager Sustainability, Ku-ring-gai Council, NSW, Australia




Water Sensitive Urban Design; Integrated water management; Stormwater harvesting; Stormwater treatment.


In Australia, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) or Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS)
is being used to integrate urban drainage and water supply infrastructure planning and design
with elements of hydrology, ecology, land use planning and landscaping, To support this
direction, various National and State guidelines and legislation have been developed that are
aimed at changing traditional engineering and urban design practice,
Recent droughts affecting most of Eastern Australia, including three capital cities, has led to a
focus on urban water management. This has increased the attention and recognition of
integrated water management including water conservation, demand management,
diversification of supply, protecting environmental flows and improving water quality at the
receiving bodies. Within Australia, stormwater reuse is being promoted as one way to lessen
the demand on drinking water supplies for non-potable uses. Important for urban areas is the
need for appropriate levels of treatment (depending on use) and sufficient storage to provide a
reliable supply. From an integrated water management perspective such projects can have
multiple benefits through managing the discharge and improving the quality from low
frequent storms at the local scale while providing broader water conservation gains across the
urban area.
This paper discusses two case studies from Australia that have applied integrated water
management principles within an existing urban catchment. These include a stormwater
harvesting project to irrigate a sports field and a car park bioretention system to treat road
runoff before it discharges to a natural stream.


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