Application of a practical method to recuperate the chemical components of used batteries


  • Ma. Neftali Rojas-Valencia National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico,
  • Ma. Guadalupe Urquiza-Moreno National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
  • Cristian Rios-Martinez National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico



Practical method; Chemical components, Used batteries.


In Mexico, an estimated 450 million batteries are used each year. In the last 43 years,
approximately 635 thousand tons of batteries have been released into the environment. Up to
date there are no regulations for their proper management, creating potential risks for both
human and environmental health. With the purpose of contributing to the alleviation of this
problem, the objective of this work was to identify a practical method to recuperate the
chemical components of discarded batteries and to conduct laboratory experiments for the
recuperation of metals,
Six methods for the treatment of batteries were compared: 1) electrochemical recuperation of
nickel and cadmium, 2) dissolution of batteries in an acidic solution (OBAS), 3) differential
pulse polarography, 4) pirolysis, 5) application of chemical stabilization agents, and 6)
reduction of battery components to pulp.
The method applied in this study, was the OBAS. The batteries were classified, cleaned, and
weighed. Their outer cover was removed, the batteries were dissected to extract internal
components, and the dissolution of the battery components was carried out in 30mL of
concentrated nitric acid (HNOe3) for each cylindrical battery and for each five button batteries.
The extraction with magnetic agitation was carried out over four hours under an exhaust
hood, and the toxic gases that were released were bubbled through water. The resulting
solution was measured for metals according to EPA method 601 OB, using a Jarrell Duo
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometer.
The metals extracted using this technique were, from the button batteries, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn,
from cylindrical Rocket batteries, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Ag and from Duracell batteries, Cu, Fe,
Pb, and Zn. The concentrations and weights varied with the brand and type of batteries. It is
recommended that studies need to be done regarding the purification of these metals with the
purpose of commercialization.


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