Spatial analysis of agricultural wastes accumulation on Ukrainian Oblasts


  • Olexandr Tretyakov Kharkiv Karazin National University, Ukraine


The issue of energy saving is of current importance in nowadays because Ukrainian power
industry is under influence of general economic crisis. Also we have got negative influence of
some kinds of wastes on environment, particularly influence of agricultural wastes. The
question of efficient use of this kind of wastes is raised. One variant of use is getting heat and
electric power. We have researched general amount of annual production of agricultural
wastes on Ukrainian oblasts as renewable power resource.
Research consists of next parts:
1. Defining amount of cattle breeding wastes. Data which shows daily specific
production of organic wastes was used (there were researched next items: cattle,
pigs, sheep, goats and birds). Also organic mass for litter was counted. Further we
made converting to calculate dry organic weight Results of research were compared
to other authors data about agricultural wastes capacities in Ukraine, On data
received on my research total amount of such wastes is 53,5 millions tones and other
authors result is 60 millions tones, This difference is explained by absence of taking
into account horses and rabbits data,
2. Definition of amount of plant cultivation annual accumulation, Data on production
of main kinds of plant cultivation on Ukrainian oblasts were received from statistical
annual review. For calculation of wastes amount wastes coefficient was used, This
coefficient is specific evaluation parameter which multiplies on production of
agricultural crops to get amount of produced wastes. 19 millions tones of plant
cultivation wastes are produced in total in Ukraine.


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