Enhancement of waste stabilization ponds efficacy using local fixed film materials


  • R.M: Al-Sa 'ed Birzeit University, Palestine
  • N. Mahmoud Birzeit University, Palestine
  • A. Abu-Madi Birzeit University, Palestine
  • O.R. Zimmo Birzeit University, Palestine




Algae-rock filter, domestic wastewater, effluent reuse, removal efficacy


This paper evaluates the feasibility of using local rock filter as natural media in waste stabilization ponds, A pilot-scale algae-rock filter ponds (ARPs) system was investigated, in parallel with algae-based ponds (ABPs) over a period of 6 months to evaluate the treatment efficacy of both systems. Each system entailed 4 equal ponds in series and was continuously fed with domestic wastewater from Birzeit University. The removal rates of organic matter, nutrients and faecal coliforms were monitored within each treatment system. The results obtained revealed that ARPs system was more efficient in the removal of organic matter (TSS and COD; 86% and 84%, respectively) and fecal coliforms (4 log10) than ABPs (81%, 81%, 3 log10, respectively). Nitrogen was reduced in the ARPs to an average of24 mg N/1; in contrast the ABPs effluent contained 32 mg N/1. Compared to ABP system, passive aerated ARPs option is an efficient, a low-cost and land-saving alternative with effluent quality suitable for restricted agricultural use in rural areas.


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