“Youth Intellectual Club” is a Way to Realize the Triple Helix Idea in Russia


  • Alexey I. Andreev M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Maria N. Mikhaleva Russian State Social University, Moscow




“Knowledge” Economics, “Youth Intellectual Club” (YIC), Triple Helix for Russia, youth, modernization, innovative development, education


The idea of a triple helix for Russia is very attractive, especially at this time, when the government wants to realize the “Knowledge” Economics. The “Knowledge” Economics is effective communication with proven scientific results and real business opportunities with the support of the municipalities and state laws. First, the State's efforts are aimed at young scientists for innovation and business. “Youth Intellectual Club” (YIC) was made to solve these problems. The objectives of the YIC put the active involvement of Fellows of the President of the Russian Federation with the participation of the President of the winners of the Russian Federation for young scientists and grant recipients of the President of the Russian Federation and members of other government programs, and the most promising representatives intellectual youth in the modernization of the Russian education system and economy through the creation of an effective peer-community, uniting the future intellectual elite of the Russian Federation for the development of science and industry of the country. YIC forms the reserve for the development of science, education and innovation at all levels creates an extensive network structure across the country develops in contact with municipalities and businesses information environment for interaction and exchanging of information between intellectual youth, business and public authority, creates and maintain bank of best ideas and initiatives of students and young scientists for modernization and innovative development of Russia. That will help to create and promote an attractive image of a scholar and teacher in the youth environment. YIC also holds conferences, forums, seminars for the formation of students and youth leadership and management skills to work effectively in the knowledge economy. Currently, under the auspices of YIC successfully held two All-Russian competition of innovative projects and ideas of young scientists. Developing an educational program of the club (holding schools, seminars, webinars, constant discussion of youth projects) and proposing many innovative youth projects for businesses are going to be planned. The club is interested in new partners in various areas of science and business and in integration into the European environment. One of the directions of development may be creation of the Youth Intellectual Club of the Baltic countries under the auspices of country’s leaders. This Club will work closer with students and young researchers. It will form the single control system of research and education programs. One of the major steps will be creation of international system of experts for scientific, educational and innovative activities for young people aimed at the problem formulated business communities of the Baltic region.


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Triple Helix, education and cooperation