Treatment of MSW in biocellreactor at Hyllstofta waste treatment plant


  • Dan Waldemarson Norra Åsbo Renhållnings AB, Sverige



MSW, biocellreactor, gas yield, treatment costs, legislation


Biodegradable MSW, industrial waste and sludge was treated biocellreactor (BCR). The waste was crushed and put in piles and covered with plastic foil. Horizontal gas drainage pipes and water pipes were placed in the waste. The waste was digested for about 5 years and then dug out, composted and sieved into 2 fractions, burnable and fine fraction. The burnable fraction was incinerated and the fine fraction is used as construction material in covering of an old landfill. After about 5 years the waste was digested and there was no odour when the reactor was dug out. The total weight lost was about 40 % due to gas production and drainage of water. After sieving the material in a 40 mm drum sieve the course fraction, about 45 % of initial weight, was sent to incineration. The fine fraction, about 15 % of the initial weight showed high content of copper (>400 mg/kg) and zinc (>1000 mg/kg) and has a content of about 60 % of inorganic material. The treatment in BCR was about 15 euro/ton and 18 euro/ton cheaper than incineration or landfilling.


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Waste management on global scale