20 years of co-operation between Sweden and Russia: ECO-TECH and ECOBALTICA conferences
Co-operation, ECO-TECH, ECOBALTICAAbstract
Co-operation between University from Kalmar city and Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic university and now with Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology”, Russia which start in 1996 help for development understanding between Sweden and Russian. This topic we show benefit of this co-operation for Baltic region.
Twenty years of cooperation between Russia and Sweden is of course not only ECO- TECH and ECOBALTICA. However, including the conferences ECO- TECH and ECOBALTICA. This cooperation was initiated and for several years was carried out without any agreements and based on human trust of key stakeholders.
Only 1999 in Kalmar was signed a Memorandum of Understanding between University of Kalmar (now - Linnaeus university) and Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
1. To initiate and develop co-operation for Cooperation ECO-TECH and ECOBALTICA conferences created a new philosophy of scientific youth conferences, which then was recommended a long time used in Russian universities, on the recommendation of the coordinating councils of Youth Affairs of Russia.
We kindly thanks to the Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences Michail Sokolov ( Moscow) and also to the Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences Yuriy Vassiliev (Saint-Petersburg), professor William Hogland and professor Marcia Marques Gomes ( both - Linneaus University) for support.