From science to practical implementation


  • Therese Steinholtz Empirikon AB


Putting theory into practice is both challenging and stimulating. This lecture will mainly be based on my involvement in projects, remediation of Oskarshamn harbor basin. During a long period of time possible measures and technologies to improve the environmental status and reduce the pollution situation in the port of Oskarshamn has been discussed and investigated by experts in several disciplines. Questions and suggestions have been tried in various instances. Finally we have come to the fact that the contaminated sediments should be removed. During the autumn the contractor has established its plant and started dredging dewater sediments and dispose contaminated sediments. The essential task for the team on sight is to ensure that contractor’s actions is carried out according to documents and the conditions that have been set up in the project. Thoughts and decisions taken during the preparatory work are now translated into a practical work. The challenge of a larger project is to find effective ways of communication between science and practical work, to have a constant dialogue to develop, rectify the workings and effectiveness. What works in a written document does not always work in practice. Fundamental to a good result is that there is acceptance to reevaluate and to have openness to reorientation. In my work as a supervisor in, I see the importance of guidance and communication. I want to emphasize the importance of good and cheerful conversations, a responsive leader and a responsible and interested working group. To discuss current issue, push for a free-thinking group and guide so that small parts can be added to the whole. With good experiences from the industry, we work with visual control and shift handovers. This creates calmness in the group and we can discuss issues that surfaced during the day. We also focus on creating structures, documentation and procedures to obtain a uniform way of working as possible. I conclude by saying that I am privileged to have the opportunity to be a part of this unique project, in its environmental improvement to the Baltic Sea and for the next generation.


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Harbor mining