Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship (ACE) is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal and platform devoted to the study of initiatives within the art and cultural sector to establish new forms of organized practices. The journal in this sense strives for a broad empirical repertoire with studies of entrepreneurship within domains such as the performing arts, visual arts, music, literature, design, cultural heritage, and other related areas. Theoretically-wise, the journal specifically welcomes contributions that advance the understanding of art, culture, and entrepreneurship in a cross-disciplinary manner, bridging scholarly insights from the humanities and the social sciences with insights from reflective practitioners within the art and cultural sector.
ACE aims at providing an intellectual sanctuary for all those that are interested in art, culture, and entrepreneurship. To facilitate this the journal is divided into three sections, each with its specific purpose:
The first section - Articles - publishes papers that are sophisticated in the use of theories, empirical materials, and methods; well-positioned in regards to contemporary scholarly debates on art, culture, and entrepreneurship; and characterized by topical relevance. These papers are subjected to scholarly double blind peer-review.
The second section - Art works - curates different types of representations of entrepreneurship, such as short stories, essays, poetry, music, or visual art, intended to reflect, problematize and destabilize beliefs and values attached to initiatives within the art and cultural sector to establish new forms of organized practices. These works are subjected to artistic single blind peer-review, meaning the reviewers are anonymous while the names of the originators are known.
The third section - Reviews - opens up a space for critical reviews, research notes, perspective papers on both academic and artistic works. To energize both scholarly debates and initiatives in the art and cultural sector to establish new forms of organized practices, the section not only welcomes book reviews but also reviews on journal articles, chapters in anthologies, conference proceedings, etc., and reviews on expressions of art, culture, and entrepreneurship, such as concerts, theatrical works, paintings, and literary works. These reviews are not subjected to double blind peer-review, instead they are developed in close collaboration with the review editor.
Call for papers
ACE invites researchers, artists, and reflective practitioners from the business, art, and culture communities.
We welcome empirical (qualitative and quantitative) and conceptual articles as well as artworks and reviews related to art and cultural entrepreneurship theories and practices. Its coverage includes, but is not restricted to:
- Methods for collaborative research, between academia and practice, as well as between the areas of art and entrepreneurship.
- Definitions and terms for cultural entrepreneurship in local practice.
- Art and artistic expression understood as entrepreneurship.
- Uncover tensions, dilemmas, myths and for granted taken views in the discourse of culture and entrepreneurship.
- Entrepreneurial practices using cultural heritage as a recourse in creation of commercial and social value.
- Exploring entrepreneurial imagination through artistic expressions and fiction.
- Using art and culture to create educative moments in entrepreneurship education.
- The situation for entrepreneurship in the cultural sector in the wake of the corona pandemic.
- Incubators and other institutional factors in the cultural entrepreneurship sector.
Prospective contributors are invited to discuss manuscript ideas with the editor. Please contact Daniel Ericsson at Daniel.ericsson@lnu.se