"Don't sow, grow offshoots!"

Proposing a rhizomatic agenda for research in the intersection of arts, culture, and entrepreneurship






Arts entrepreneurship, Cultural entrepreneurship, Rhizomatic knowledge structures, Deleuze and Guattari


This paper considers the intersection of arts, culture, and entrepreneurship (ACE) through a novel lens, drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s dichotomy of arboreal and rhizomatic knowledge structures. First, existing literature reviews on cultural entrepreneurship and arts entrepreneurship are critically explored. This exploration highlights the predominance of arboreal (tree-like, hierarchical, and genealogical) thinking in current ACE research as well as in conventional practices of doing and presenting literature reviews. As a challenge to this norm, a rhizomatically inspired research agenda for the intersection of ACE is proposed. By discussing the challenges of doing research in a transdisciplinary and intersectional research context, the paper ultimately considers how scholars and practitioners can understand this complexity by embracing Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomatic principles in future research.


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