Editorial Team
Rickard Carlsson (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Editorial Assistant
Lucija Batinović (Linnaeus University and Linköping University, Sweden)
Editorial Board
Erin Buchanan (Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, USA)
Henrik Danielsson (Linköping University, Sweden)
Malte Elson (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Alex O. Holcombe (University of Sydney, Australia)
Chelsea Parlett-Pelleriti (Chapman University, USA)
Felix Schönbrodt (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany)
Rima-Maria Rahal (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Germany)
Matt Williams (Massey University, New Zealand)
Action Editors
Nick Brown (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Erin Buchanan (Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, USA).
Malte Elson (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Moritz Heene (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany)
Alex O. Holcombe (University of Sydney, Australia)
Amanda Kay Montoya (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Thomas Nordström (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Matt Williams (Massey University, New Zealand)
Advisory board
Lisa DeBruine (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom).
Åse Innes-Ker (Lund University, Sweden)
Daniël Lakens (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Moritz Heene (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany)
David Meyer (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
Eiko Fried (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Nick Brown (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Stephen Martin (Baylor University, USA)
Paul Bürkner (Aalto University, Finland)
Donald Williams (University of California, Davis, USA)
Julia Rohrer (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Malte Elson (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Anne Scheel (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Matt Williams (Massey University, New Zealand)
Cody Christopherson (Southern Oregon University, USA)
Gary Burns (FIorida Institute of Technology, USA )
Kristoffer Magnusson (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Jack Davis (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Oscar Olvera (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Michèle Nuijten (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
Julia Haaf (University of Missouri, USA)
Christina Bergmann (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands)
Sho Tsuji (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Brenton M. Wiernik (University of South Florida, USA)
Marcel van Assen (Tilburg University, and Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Thomas Nordström (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Tijl Grootswagers (Western Sydney University, Australia)
Reproducibility coordinator
Lucija Batinović (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Reproducibility team
Jack Davis (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Erin Buchanan (Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, USA).
Rickard Carlsson (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Nick Brown (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Erik Marsja (Linköping Univerity, Sweden)
Patrick Langford (Insitute of Education, UCL, United Kingdom)
Alexey Guzey (New Science)
André Kalmendal (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Jens Fust (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Federico D'Atri (University of Trieste)
Founding editors
Rickard Carlsson (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Ulrich Schimmack (University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada)
About the editorial board
The editorial board consists of an editor-in-chief, as well as eight regular members. These eight members are henceforth referred to as the editorial board. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the day-to-day operative decisions of the journal. Strategical decisions (e.g., the aims and scope of the journal) are always decided after discussion within the editorial board, and through majority vote if neccessary.
The editorial board will have their positions automatically renewed yearly, should they accept it, without voting, for a period of five years. If one or more members do not wish to renew their position, then new members will be selected by majority vote of the editorial board. Meta-Psychology values academic freedom and the right to have controversial opinions. The bar set for dismissal of a member of the editorial board should be high. An editorial board member can be fired against their will only by an unanimous vote. For this vote, the remaining members and two randomly selected advisory board members will cast the vote. After the five-year period, the editorial board will convene and jointly suggest new editorial board members and editor-in-chief, through majority voting. This voting will also involve the five advisory board members who has contributed the most to the journal during the past five years (e.g., editing, reviewed papers). The changes made may range from rotating positions to a completely new editorial board.
About Action Editors
The Editor-in-Chief edit a large part of the submissions, but will also assign action editors after the initial desk stage (aims and scope, submissions requirements, reproducibility check) has been completed. Action editors then have full authority to edit the submission. In case of COI, the editorial board minus the people with COI will vote for the action editor.
Editorial board members are per default Action Editors, but can opt out for periods of time to balance their work load.
Advisory board members can be nominated by someone on the editorial board for a two year commitment. This can be renewed for another two years. The nominations and renewals are normally not subject to an editorial vote, unless an editorial board member requests it.
About the Advisory Board
Membership on the advisory board is decided on the basis of specific, sometimes narrow, expertise. Advisory board members will be called upon when their expertise is needed, for example with reviewing, helping to find reviewers, spreading pre-prints through their social networks, or setting up a special issue. Advisory members are also encouraged to help develop the journal. Advisory board members can be nominated by Editorial Board members to be Action Editors.
Transparency in the Editorial Work
To acheive transparency, discussions within the editorial and advisory board should be documented and available on open discussion groups. If necessary, voting in the editorial board may be done anonymously, but the discussion leading up the vote must always be open and transparent. Further, the entire work-flow from submission to editorial decision is documented and always published online regardless of whether a submission is rejected or accepted.
Policy Regarding Conflict of Interest
Meta-psychology is still a small field. The risk of conflict of interest is thus large. Authors might submit papers to editors who may have a history of competing interest with them, editors or editorial board members may wish to submit their own work to the journal, an author may have co-authored papers with one or more of the editorial or advisory board members, and so on. The solution to resolve such COI is full transparency and help from advisory board members. Advisory board members are encouraged to be vigilant in detecting such problems should the editorial board fail to do so. Any advisory board member has the right to question the impartiality of an action editor for a specific submission, and the editorial board will then be required to consider replacing the editor for that submission.
For example, suppose that an editorial board member submits a paper. This is a clear COI. It will then fall upon the remaining editorial board members to select an impartial advisory board member as action editor and recruit external arms-length reviewers. Because of this second role of the advisory board, it falls on the editorial board to make sure that the advisory board is regularly updated about the progress of the journal (e.g., submissions), and is comprised of people who are in a position to question conflict of interest among the editorial board members.