Queer trauma theology as a way forward for queer refugees



  • Lina Landström Faculty of Theology and Religion, Vrije Universiteit


queer theology, trauma theology, queer refugee


Queer refugees have an increased risk of trauma compared to other refugees.[1] The religious community is important for integration,[2] but not all are pro-immigration or queer affirming. Additionally, in asylum cases claiming a faith is unfavorable for queer refugees.[3] Through ethnographic methodology, this study compares the work churches in Sweden do for queer refugees with the role of religion in the lives of queer refugees. With an ecclesiological perspective, this article suggests a framework of queer trauma theology as a way forward for Swedish faith leaders meeting LGBTQ refugees. I explore and expand the concept of queer trauma theology both theoretically and practically, arguing that the incorporation of faith and a queer trauma theology is crucial in meeting the needs of queer refugees arriving in Sweden.


[1] Rainbow Response: A Practical Guide to Resettling LGBT Refugees and Asylees (Chicago: Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights, 2012), 36.

[2] Darrell Jackson and Alessia Passarelli, Mapping Migration, Mapping Churches Responses in Europe: Belonging, Community and Integration: The Witness and Service of Churches in Europe (World Council of Churches Publications, 2016), 119; Kristina Hellqvist and Andreas Sandberg, “En tid av möten: Arbetet med asylsökande och nyanlända i Svenska kyrkans församlingar 2015-2016” (Uppsala: Svenska Kyrkan, 2017), 17.

[3] Aino Gröndahl, “Avslagsmotiveringar i HBTQI-asylärenden: En rättsutredning av Migrationsverkets, migrationsdomstolarnas och Migrationsöverdomstolens prövning av sexuell läggning, könsidentitet och könsuttryck.” (Stockholm: RFSL, 2020), 59.






LGBTQIA Experiences and Positionalities (II)