Suggestopedi som språkdidaktiskt verktyg i vuxenutbildning - en kritisk textanalys



  • Anita Norlund Högskolan i Borås



suggestopdi, vuxna, invandrare, kritisk diskursanalys, språk


The aim of this article is to shed light on 1) how promotors of the suggestopedia method view problems that arise in interaction with adults from foreign countries and 2) how, according to the same promotors, these problems should be addressed. This is done through a critical discourse analysis of six strategically selected texts which all endorse suggestopedia as a fruitful method and all of which connect to projects funded by The European Social Fund. The analysis was conducted in five stages. First of all, what is identified is how the problem of learning is constructed by the actors involved in the projects and, secondly, which appropriate measures are suggested to be taken in order to address the problem. The third step unpacks the network of practices in which The European Social Fund is a nodal actor. Next, inconsistencies and gaps emerging from the analysis and potential methodological problems are addressed. I conclude by stating that there are critical aspects to consider concerning both the construction of the migrants and the didactical method applied.


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